BSB10120 Certificate I in Workplace Skills



Successful completion of all units of competency will result in the award of a nationally recognised Certificate I in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways from the Foundation Skills Training Package. Participants who do not successfully complete the full program will be issued with a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for any of the unit/s of competency they have been deemed competent in. Recognition is available for this qualification – see the Participant Handbook or the Recognition Process page for more information.


This training is subsidised by the NSW Government under Smart & Skilled (NSW residents only). For more information and eligibility requirements see

Core Units

BSBOPS101 - Use business resources

1. Prepare resources

2. Operate resources.

3. Maintain resources

BSBPEF101 - Plan and prepare for work readiness

1. Seek advice on future work goals.

2. Assess own skills.

3. Prepare portfolio of evidence.

Elective Units