Managing Teams and Team Dynamics
The courses include (Each session is 4 hours) :
SESSION 31 - Building Successful Teams
- Understanding the components of successful teams
- Recognising why teams do and do not work
- Accepting how the team environment is changing
- Making our team work – aligning individual goals
- “What’s in it for me?” – recognising the value of teamwork
- What skills are necessary for a successful team
- Team development – where are we now?
- Managing the teaming process – how to move forward?
- Different roles with the team
- What is my role within the new team?
- Increasing cooperation and support
- Building trust and commitment
- Capitalising on personal and role diversity
SESSION 32 - Running Effective Meetings
- Three essential meeting stages
- Meeting preparation
- Tips for scheduling meetings
- Team meeting roles (leader, facilitator, recorder, participants)
- Meeting responsibilities
- Key steps to developing an agenda
- SMART objectives
- Setting the ground rules
- Keeping the meeting focussed and on track
- Meeting minutes
- Closing a meeting – creating action items
- Evaluating your meetings
SESSION 33 - Conflict Resolution
- The psychology of difficult people
- The consequences of avoidance and poor conflict management
- What is conflict and confrontation?
- Constructive conflict
- Managing disagreements and conflict
- Emotion vs. logic – why people don’t listen
- Diffusing anger and emotion
- Handling with misinterpretation
- Negotiating the solution process
- Separating the person from the problem
- Getting to Win/Win
- Not taking conflict personally
- Letting it go – not carrying the conflict and stress with you
SESSION - The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team
- The benefits of building cohesive teams
- 1. Building Trust – the difference between predictive trust and vulnerability based trust
- Team behaviours to build trust
- 2. Mastering Conflict – acceptable and unacceptable behaviours during conflict
- Engaging in healthy, productive conflict
- Developing conflict ground rules
- 3. Achieving Commitment – why teams don’t commit
- Strategies to achieve commitment
- 4. Embracing Accountability – consequences of not holding each other accountable
- How different people respond to feedback and confrontation
- 5. Focussing on Team Results – how teams get distracted: individual goals, relationships, etc.
- Taking personal responsibility for collective results
- Keeping on track – the team scoreboard