FSK10219 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways



This qualification is designed for individuals who need skills to prepare for a vocational pathway qualification or further foundation skills development.

It is suitable for individuals who require:

  • a pathway to employment and further vocational training
  • reading, writing, oral communication, learning and numeracy skills primarily aligned to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Level 2
  • entry level digital technology and employability skills
  • education, training and employment goals.

Foundation Skills Training Package qualifications may not be listed as an entry requirement for vocational qualifications.


Successful completion of all units of competency will result in the award of a nationally recognised FSK10219 – Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways from the Foundation Skills Training Package. Participants who do not successfully complete the full program will be issued with a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for any of the unit/s of competency they have been deemed competent in. Recognition is available for this qualification – see the Participant Handbook or the Recognition Process page for more information.


This training is subsidised by the NSW Government under Smart & Skilled (NSW residents only). For more information and eligibility requirements see https://www.bsilearning.edu.au/funded-training/smart-and-skilled.

Core Units

FSKLRG008 - Use simple strategies for work-related learning

1. Prepare for learning.

2. Use strategies for learning.

3. Review own learning progress.

Elective Units

FSKLRG007 - Use strategies to identify job opportunities

1. Plan to identify job opportunities.

2. Use strategies to identify job and training options.

3. Review opportunities.

FSKOCM002 - Engage in short and simple spoken exchanges at work

1. Prepare to interact in short and simple workplace spoken exchange.

2. Interact in spoken exchange.

3. Review interaction.

FSKOCM003 - Participate in familiar spoken interactions at work

1. Prepare to participate in familiar spoken interaction.

2. Interact in spoken exchange.

3. Review interaction.

FSKNUM008 - Use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work

1. Identify and interpret simple numbers.

2. Use familiar arithmetical processes for workplace tasks.

3. Communicate familiar mathematical information.

FSKNUM009 - Use familiar and simple metric measurements for work

1. Identify and interpret simple metric measurements.

2. Use familiar measurement processes.

3. Communicate familiar measurement information.

FSKWTG006 - Write simple workplace information

1. Prepare to write simple workplace text.

2. Draft text.

3. Review and finalise text.

FSKRDG007 - Read and respond to simple workplace information

1. Prepare to read simple and familiar workplace text.

2. Identify and interpret information in text.

3. Check understanding and identify response to text.

FSKLRG017 - Identify simple strategies to respond to familiar workplace problems

1. Identify familiar problems affecting own work.

2. Propose problem solving strategies.

3. Review problem solving strategies.

FSKNUM020 - Use familiar, routine functions of a calculator for work

1. Select and interpret familiar and routine numerical information relevant to workplace calculations.

2. Solve routine calculations using a calculator.

3. Communicate calculation results.

FSKRDG006 - Read and respond to simple informal workplace texts

1. Prepare to read simple and familiar informal workplace text.

2. Identify and interpret information in text.

3. Check understanding and identify response to text.