Communication and Behaviours
The courses include (Each session is 4 hours) :
SESSION 1 - Communication Skills
- Defining and interpreting expectations
- Modes of communication and technology – when to use
- Impression formation – projecting confidence and credibility
- Active listening techniques – demonstrating interest in others
- Strategic questioning techniques – seeking information from staff
- Demonstrating an understanding of your staff and colleagues
- Giving clear information and explanations
- Speaking clearly and fluently
- Overcoming barriers to communication
- The power of conversations
- Using appropriate language
- Reading body language and non-verbal communication
- Communicating in a high tech environment
SESSION 2 - Influencing Skills
- The difference between influence, persuasion, power & manipulation
- The behaviours and characteristics of effective influencers
- Recognising sources of power – personal and positional
- The law of reciprocation – what you give comes back to you
- The impact of scarcity – people will seize opportunities that are rare
- When to use authority – building knowledge and credibility
- Creating commitment – aligning your requests with their priorities
- Getting people to know you, like you and trust you
- How to use consensus – capitalising on group influence
- Planning your influence strategy
- Targeting your communication to the recipient
SESSION 3 - Negotiation Skills
- Five pure Negotiating Styles – what is yours?
- Balancing concern for outcomes with concern for relationships
- The traditional negotiation process – what goes wrong and why?
- The benefits of the Collaborative Negotiation process
- The importance of preparation
- Identifying needs and goals & defining critical points
- Gathering information
- Maintaining a positive attitude
- The 5 stages of a collaborative negotiation
- The rules regarding concessions
- How to read body language and monitor nonverbal cues
- Overcoming intimidation and emotional obstacles
SESSION 4 - Building Confidence and Self-Esteem
- How Self-esteem is developed and consolidated
- Core self-esteem and peripheral self-esteem
- Leaned optimism, pessimism and learned helplessness
- Choosing attitudes to build self confidence
- Attributional theory – recognising permanence and specificity
- Leveraging successes
- Managing mistakes and failure
- Identifying the limiting beliefs that are holding you back
- Generating positive feelings ad greater confidence
- Six ways to build self confidence
SESSION 5 - Building Assertiveness
- Defining your strategies for asserting yourself at work
- The Interpersonal Influence Inventory (III) – self assessment
- Directness of communication vs. Consideration for others
- Open Aggression, Concealed Aggression, Passiveness & Assertiveness
- Building assertiveness: the ASERT process
- Analysing the Situation – dealing with emotions and perceptions
- Stating Your Position – script writing for future situations
- Evaluating Nonverbal Behaviours – yours and theirs
- Receiving Feedback – identifying your ‘triggers’
- Testing For Understanding
SESSION 6 - Presentation Skills
- Types of presentations – product, technical, information, entertainment
- Designing your presentation for maximum impact
- How to prepare, rehearse and use notes
- Integrating props, material and visual aids to enhance your message
- Understanding your audience – managing group dynamics
- Selling your message – influencing your stakeholders
- How to open/how to close powerfully
- The delivery – timing and pacing
- Managing questions and challenging situations
- Techniques for the psychological and physical control of nerves
SESSION 7 - Business Writing
- Preparing and planning your documents
- Using appropriate language
- Choosing the appropriate style and tone
- Structure and layout
- Plain English writing – achieving clarity and brevity
- Avoiding ambiguous grammar, punctuation and word choice
- Punctuation, spelling and grammar
- Memos, letters, reports and emails – what are the differences?
- Pitfalls to avoid
- A checklist for editing your work
- Guidelines for clear presentation of the report, proposal, or letter
SESSION 8 - Time and Task Management
- Organising yourself – evaluating your personal work habits
- Planning ahead – day, week, month
- Must, should and want to do lists
- Using planning and scheduling tools such as Microsoft Outlook
- Capitalising on your energy levels and prime times
- Dealing with deadlines
- Prioritising – distinguishing urgency from importance
- Negotiating interruptions and managing others
- How to say ‘no’ without damaging the relationship
- Managing paperwork and emails
- The importance of flexibility
- Strategies for overcoming procrastination
SESSION 9 - Unlocking Microsoft Outlook
- 6 key principles of Microsoft Outlook
- Coping with email overload
- Managing your Inbox
- Quick steps for getting organised
- Using drag and drop features
- Formatting messages
- Working with signatures and templates
- Creating and organising tasks
- Mail merge using Outlook and Word
- Working with multiple Calendars, Contacts, Folders & Groups
- Uncovering additional features – note taking, journal, web browsing
SESSION 10 - Building Resilience and Balance
Thriving in a stressful environment
The impacts of stress on your body and mind
Combat stress – problem solving, changing reactions, coping resources
Achieving greater balance in your life
Know yourself – identifying your values and priorities
Physical resilience – using good nutrition and regular exercise
Relaxation techniques – don’t feel guilty to take time for yourself
Mental resilience – focus on what you can control
Be present – increasing mindfulness
Stop ruminating – let it go
Get perspective – stop catastrophising
Emotional resilience – managing emotions and building optimism
Nurturing key relationships and asking for help – it’s not as easy as it sounds
Implementation – developing a personal resilience plan
SESSION 11 - Effective Networking
- What is networking? – dispelling the myths
- Understanding the benefits
- Changing your way of thinking
- When and where to network?
- Preparing and planning to get the best from your networking
- Overcoming your fears and reluctance
- Who to approach and what to say
- Explaining what you do in a clear and interesting way
- How to make important and exciting small talk
- Discovering people’s needs and wants
- How to deal with rude people
- Making appropriate introductions
- Best use of business cards
- How to keep in touch
SESSION 12 - Business Etiquette and Corporate Presence
- The importance of image in a corporate environment
- How to make a professional first impression
- Blending your personal dress style with corporate expectations
- Tips for your corporate wardrobe – do’s and don’ts
- The power of credibility and reputation
- Being your best in any professional situation
- Social manners – inside and outside the office
- Handshakes & eye contact – why are they important?
- Making appropriate introductions – customer to colleague /customer to senior executive
- Best use of business cards – presenting and receiving cards
- Attending company events – minimising nervousness
- Mixing business with alcohol
SESSION 13 - Office Courtesy and Technical Protocol
- Office manners & communication
- The key elements of effective communication
- Using appropriate language
- Active listening
- Giving clear information and explanations
- Overcoming the barriers to communication
- Understanding and interpreting body language
- Communication via email – when to use and how
- Proper & improper use of forwarding and CC’s
- Mobile phone – do’s & don’ts
- Meeting manners
- Your influence on meeting effectiveness