BSI Learning has been training at Witmore Enterprises (Disability services and support organisation) in Singleton delivering a Certificate III in Process Manufacturing since 2018. The goal for undertaking this project with Witmore was to provide supported employees an opportunity to learn new skills in their current work roles, set new goals under their NDIS plans and to grow in confidence. The training was provided onsite with both classroom and observation learning and assessments. Our trainer Sharon Stregas says “Teaching supported employees can be challenging at times but very rewarding to see individual personalities grow in confidence to achieve learning outcomes. Supported employees thrive with hands on tasks and activities in a fun learning environment”. The success of this program has since seen multiple groups from Witmore undertake training. Proud moment for our 2020 supported employees that completed the certificate in 2021. We would also like to thank Training Services NSW for their continued support with the Smart & Skilled Program for this project.
Category: BSI Learning
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