ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology



This qualification reflects the role of individuals who are job ready and competent in a wide range of information and communications technology (ICT) roles and apply a broad range of skills in varied work contexts, using problem solving skills and effective communication with others.


The skills required for these roles may include, but are not restricted to:

  • database development: interpreting specifications, technical designs and flow charts, modifying software applications, constructing technical specifications from models and testing, and writing technical documents
  • database maintenance: managing, cleaning, storing and verifying organisational data, and evaluating compliance with internal and external data ethics regulations and legislation
  • gaming development: creating 2D and 3D modelling and animation software through scripts and storyboards
  • networking: installing, configuring and testing networks and servers in organisations
  • programming: building, testing and applying basic object-oriented language skills, user interfaces and software developments
  • systems administration support: implementing maintenance procedures and support to help troubleshoot system applications
  • web development: designing website layouts through textual and visual content transfer, search engine optimisation and simple markup language documents.


Successful completion of all units of competency will result in the award of a nationally recognised Certificate IV in Information Technology from the Information and Communications Technology Training Package. Participants who do not successfully complete the full program will be issued with a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for any of the unit/s of competency they have been deemed competent in. Recognition is available for this qualification – see the Participant Handbook or the Recognition Process page for more information.


This training is subsidised by the NSW Government under Smart & Skilled (NSW residents only). For more information and eligibility requirements see https://www.bsilearning.edu.au/funded-training/smart-and-skilled.

Core Units

BSBCRT411 - Apply critical thinking to work practices

1. Establish role of critical thinking in workplace.

2. Lead critical thinking process.

3. Develop critical thinking mindset.

BSBXCS404 - Contribute to cyber security risk management

1. Contribute to recommending risk management strategies that mitigate cyber security risk.

2. Support implementation of approved risk management strategies in response to risk.

3. Review and revise implemented risk management strategies.

ICTICT426 - Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices

1. Identify emerging technologies and practices in IT.

2. Evaluate the impact of emerging technologies and practices.

3. Develop strategies to prepare for emerging technologies and practices.

ICTICT451 - Comply with IP, ethics and privacy policies in ICT environments

1. Establish organisational requirements to comply with IP, ethics and privacy policy procedures.

2. Evaluate and implement organisational IP, ethics and privacy policy procedures.

3. Contribute to non-compliance incident identification and recommendations.

ICTPRG302 - Apply introductory programming techniques

1. Establish application task.

2. Apply language syntax and layout.

3. Apply control structures.

4. Code using standard programming algorithms.

5. Test code.

6. Create a simple application and seek feedback.

ICTSAS432 - Identify and resolve client ICT problems

1. Prepare to resolve client ICT problems.

2. Prioritise client ICT problems.

3. Refer problems where required.

4. Carry out maintenance.

5. Create maintenance report.

6. Confirm problem resolution.

Elective Units