Client: Queensland Correctional Services

Reducing Recidivism rates by Changing Mindset through the P2Eprogram

Organisational Need

Queensland Correctional Services required a case management and learning partner to roll out their Pathways2Employment initiative (previously known as Advance2Work) in the Northern Region. Addressing individuals’ mindset, skills and environment assists in their successful transition from custody to community. The case management provides support to offenders/clients to maximise sustainable employment outcomes and/or the provision of higher learning opportunities through a holistic approach to service.

The success of this program is due to the one-on-one nature of the support assisting in:

Mindset Change

  • Mentality – Prisoners with a welfare-dependant mentality need to change and appreciate the reasons for gaining employment and becoming contributing members of society.

Skills Development

  • Career Change – White-collar criminals imprisoned due to accounting fraud cannot return to their previous careers as accountants. These people require new skills for a change in career.
  • Local economy – Prisoners returning to a high-unemployment local areas, need to have the skills and network to identify employment opportunities nearest to them.

Environmental Change

  • Criminal History – Not only is it difficult to find employment with a criminal record, the type of history will impact the type of employment. For instance, prisoners on parole for child-related offences have to remain a certain distance away from schools, and others may not be able to enter licensed premises, therefore cannot work in all types of kitchens.
  • Culture – Prisoners from a drug and alcohol culture, need to change their behaviour and their social environment.


  • The key components of this program include a training needs analysis, career pathway planning, personal development, job search skills and post placement support.
  • Once released, clients are referred to supporting agencies such as Indigenous support groups and networks, drug and alcohol support services, housing support agencies and other agencies and training organisations who have the ability to provide employment, educational and social support services. Services are accessed on an individual needs basis.
  • BSI Learning also works closely with Job Service Australia Providers, Disability Employment Service Providers, Centrelink and Queensland Probation and Parole offices to maximise clients’ opportunities.
  • Post-placement support is a major element of the program as it serves to provide support and encouragement to clients in the early stages of employment. It also identifies any issues that may need to be addressed (cultural, transport, child care) as these could have an impact on the client’s ability to maintain long-term employment.

Desired Outcomes

Reduce recidivism rates by guiding sentenced prisoners towards gaining and retaining employment.


Over a 30-month period, BSI Learning helped 25.7% of participants to gain employment and 17.9% retain employment for at least 13 weeks.